

Library Tour in Singapore -Introduction-

Jurong West Public Library

There are 22 libraries in Singapore. It’s a big number for this small country, but compared to Japan or even Tokyo, the number is far smaller. One of good things about libraries in Singapore is they are usually convenient, you can reach them with using public transport (cf. NLB is also very convenient). Libraries in Japan are not always so convenient. And I believe there are around/more than 100 libraries in Tokyo.

So when I though about one long weekend, an idea came to my mind. "With 3 days, I maybe able to visit all 22 libraries in Singapore!?" That's why I started my library tour in Singapore! :) I will write about them one by one from now on.

(But my friend told me they are closed on public holidays, so I changed my plan a bit and went 2-3 libraries a day on normal weekend.)

シンガポールにある図書館は22。国の規模を考えるとなかなか大きな数ですが、日本いや東京と比べると少ない!というのが正直な印象。そしてシンガポールの公共施設は電車やバスで行ける場所にあることがほとんど。シンガポールの中心地であるCity Hall駅から徒歩5分程度に、日本で言えば国立国会図書館にあたるNational Library Building(関連エントリ)がありますし、そこ以外もだいたいの図書館は駅前の便利な立地です。

