

Chiyoda Library (Tokyo, Japan)

I went back Tokyo early this month and visited Chiyoda library which I believe the best public library in Tokyo (though I haven't visited all). It's situated at the center of Tokyo city, near the Imperial palace. Chiyoda Library (Japanese) Map to Chiyoda Library (English, the top on the page)

  • Business and finance books, magazines, and lots of study tables are available. Since Chiyoda-ku is the center of Tokyo, the capital city of Japan, many business person as well as neighbors visit the library. Wifi is also available, which is not so common yet in Japanese public libraries.
  • The nearest subway station is Kudanshita. 5 minutes walk from there, you will see the Chiyoda ward office. The library is on the 9th floor of the building.
  • No drink is allowed in the library. You can get a cup of coffee at the bakery on the ground floor. There are free tables and chairs on the same floor.

Clean?       ☆☆☆☆☆ Enough space?   ☆☆☆☆ Suitable for reading? ☆☆☆☆☆ Many material?   ☆☆☆ Convenient?     ☆☆☆☆ ——————————- 今月半ばに東京に一時帰国したついでに、千代田区立図書館に行ってきました。東京の図書館は数多くありますが、今のところ私の中で一番使い勝手の良い図書館はここです。

  • ビジネス書や実用書、雑誌、勉強用テーブルがたくさんあるのが特徴です。千代田区は東京のど真ん中ですので、近隣住人だけでなくビジネスをしているらしい人も多く利用しています。日本の公共図書館としては珍しく無線LANも利用できます(ありがたや)。
  • 最寄り駅は地下鉄九段下駅。5分ほど歩くと千代田区役所があり、区役所ビルの9階に図書館があります。
  • 館内では飲食禁止。区役所1階のパン屋でコーヒー等を購入可能。1階には誰でも自由に使えるテーブル・椅子もあります。

清潔度     ☆☆☆☆☆ ゆったり度   ☆☆☆☆ 集中できる度  ☆☆☆☆☆ 資料充実度   ☆☆☆ 利便性     ☆☆☆☆

Inside IMG_0295IMG_0294IMG_0285 IMG_0284 IMG_0291IMG_0290 IMG_0292 IMG_0293IMG_0289 IMG_0287IMG_0286