

Movie "Air Doll"

I watched "Air Doll" last night at Singapore Youth Japanese Movie Festival. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2T3YkiazkM]

a SAD story.

A doll somehow get a heart, and an ability to move as a human. She started to work in a rental video shop and liked a guy who worked with her. He taught her the beauty in this world, and at the same time she learned how painful to live with a heart. If she didn't get a heart, she felt nothing about her life as a 'substitute of a real lady'...

The movie contains many small stories with her and her neighborhood, and many of them describes feeling of a lack in life, especially life in the modern life.

But there is still a hope, I interpret a girl and his father represent a hope in the world. They lost a mother/wife, and haven't get substitute yet. There is no description why their mother/wife has gone, but they live with each other. Despite the girl complains about missing of her mother sometimes, they live as usual. Her father takes care of her by himself. I understood they represented that you can't find a substitute of your mother and father.

Though the father and mother are just a man and a woman, so there is no reason why they live together. You can change your partner if you wish. Or you can use a doll to be satisfied by yourself. But from the girl's perspective, her father and mother can't be changed. And she can't live only with her mother, she needs somebody else to speak with as her father can't be with you always.

With thinking of this way, I realized the movie told us that you can help somebody else around you with just being yourselves. It's truth that people can be substituted by others, but at the same many people need somebody to communicate. You could be lonely in the city as there is no strong relationships with each other, but don't be so sad, the world is beautiful. Although you will die in future, everybody else will die as well, and there are some nice things in this world. Enjoy beauty in this world, don't take them as granted.

The world could be sad, but is beautiful.