さて、現在諸々の事情がありまして家探し中です。 オンライン掲示板のcraigslistを見ていると、条件のよさそうな住宅広告を発見!(英文は読まないでOKです)
SGD1500 / 2br - Beautiful and comfortable 2 Bedroom apartment in a lovely neighborhood (Hill Rd Singapore..) Beautiful and comfortable 2 Bedroom apartment in a lovely neighborhood-! This beautiful cozy apartment offers 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom with an open concept floor plan. Large master bedroom includes a walk in closet and an ensuite bathroom with a tub and also large kitchen that has lots of cupboard space including a large walk in pantry and an over the range microwave, island with raised eating bar and double stainless steel sink . The apartment includes brand new appliances with a fridge, stove, dishwasher, overhead microwave, washer and dryer.Tile throughout the rest for easy cleaning, faux fireplace, 12x20ft attached storage room and huge fenced yard, security fence around parking area.
Thanks for your email response. my apartment is still available for rent and the rent include utilities hydro,heat,laundry facilities, Air condition, Internet and phone line. And I also want you to know that it was due to my work transfer that made me and my wife to leave the apartment with an intention of giving it out for rent. I am looking for a responsible person that can take very good care of it as we are not after the money for the rent but want the property to be kept clean all the time as it is our hard-earned property. If you are honestly interested and will absolutely maintain my property (Taking care of it like yours) as i hope i can put my trust and confidence in you.. Presently, We are here in Nigeria doing the UNICEF programmed (The United Nations Children Fund) for through our direct service to mankind, the blessings and promises of God will manifest today. The apartment vital informative documents and the entrance keys to my apartment is with us, we try to look for dependable agent to handle the rent but could not find one due to the limited time we had before leaving the country. Mostly we do not want our property to be given to any sort of person to avoid damages and troubles. I and my wife came over to Nigeria for a missionary work, So we hope you will be a good tenant which we've been praying to get. Rent: SGD1500 monthly include with utilities. Location; 2 Leonie Hill Rd Singapore 239192 SO IF YOU ARE REALLY INTERESTED, FILL THE RENT APPLICATION FORM BELOW RENTAL APPLICATION DETAILS. FIRST NAME: __________________ MIDDLE NAME: __________________ LAST NAME: __________________ PROFESSION: ________________ PHONE (____) __________ (WORK) PHONE (____) __________ (CELL) MARITAL STATUS: _________ KIDS _____ (YES/NO), HOW MANY ________ HOW MANY PEOPLE WILL BE LIVING______ PRESENT ADDRESS: ________________________ CITY: _______________ STATE: ______________ ZIP CODE: ____________ WHY ARE YOU LEAVING? ____________ YOUR CURRENT RENT: _______________ WHEN DO YOU INTEND MOVING IN? __________ IF THIS apartment IS BEING GIVEN TO YOU,HOW LONG DO YOU INTEND STAYING? ____________ *PETS* IF YOU HAVE A PET, NAME OF PET: ______________ KIND OF PETS: _____________ WEIGHT: ___________________ HABITS DO YOU SMOKE? ______________ DO YOU DRINK? ______________ DO YOU WORK LATE NIGHT? ____ I ____________________CERTIFY that answers given herein are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I authorize investigation of all statements contained in this application for tenant screening as may be necessary in arriving at a tenant decision. I understand that the landlord may terminate any rental agreement entered into for any misrepresentation made above. Landing 22'1 "x 5'10" (6 .. 73m x 1.78m) Reception room 17'0 "x 16'0" (5.18m x 4.88m) Kitchen 13'0 "x 11'0" (3.96M x 3.35 m) Bedroom 12'10 "x 10'5" (91M x 3.18M) Bathroom 6'10 "x 5'10" (2.08m x 1.78m) WC 5'0 "x 2'10" (1,52 m x 0,86 m). Kindly get back to me as soon as possible. Thanks And God Bless.
かくかくしかじかで我が家を大切に使ってくれる人を探している。しかし自分は今ナイジェリアにいる。エージェントを雇うつもりだが、今のところはまだ良い人が見つかっていない。家の条件はこれこれこうだ。まずは下記の情報をメールで送ってくれないか? 長々としたリスト
ナイジェリア詐欺とは。 乱暴に超簡潔にまとめると「自分はナイジェリアにいるんだが、これこれこういう理由で取引をしたい。送金はちゃんとするから、品物を送ってくれ」または逆に「自分はナイジェリアにいるんだが、祖国のアメリカから商品はちゃんと送る。まずは送金してくれ」みたいな手口でこちらのお金・モノを相手に送らせようとする詐欺です。詳しくは渡辺千賀さんのブログ記事を参照してください。